Dunlavy SC4 Speakers

Does anyone know what the value of a used set of Dunlavy SC4 speakers would be? These are the original SC4's early run I believe. The reason for the question is that I have a line on a set and I'm willing to pay fair market value which often is determined by a speakers popularity and not actual worth. I'm trying to determine a base line price with the seller without out getting into these are the best speakers ever made and that makes them worth a million bucks!

Thanks for the response. Ejlif I know that there are better speakers out there either at a higher price or lower price range. The SCIV are on the radar due to the price $1,500.00 dollars no shipping dropped off at my door. How disapointing is the bass in these speakers and do they require subs? I have seen other speakers in this price range but not locally. Which means I have to add on 300 to 400 doallars for shipping which then exceeds my budget. The SCIV's look apealing due to this fact. If there are a better set of speakers locally in the Columbus area please chime in.

$2k max IMHO. If you cannot place on long wall, will not sound great (in my experience). I had to put on short wall and did not like.
Many years ago, I heard a pair set up in the middle of a hi-fi shop. It was a large room and the speakers were a long distance from any boundaries. The sound absolutely blew me away, with amazing clarity and detail. Most impressive was how the sound just hung in space; there was simply no sense at all that the sound was coming from speakers. It was one of those "oh my god, I want that sound in my house, but I'll never be able to afford it" moments I have experienced a few times in stores (usually it's just the opposite).

I was not really into high-end gear back then, so I have no idea what the ancillary equipment was. Nor can I really speak to how they might sound in your room. In that context, though, they sounded very very good.
They sounded brittle (bright) with less than expected bass performance (using tube electronics). Honestly, they were horrible on certain recordings. After owning these, I had some Coincident Total Eclipse's.....night & day better. I would take the original Legacy Focus over the SCIV's. I heard them sound good in another person's home..on long wall...they imaged very well. I do not like bright speakers.