Dynaco MK III Monobloc

Can someone share some experience about these classic? Their sound characters?
I'd have to agree that $3K is high, for a pair of Dyna Mk III's. A really nice(operational and stock) pair, might bring around a grand on eBay. Matter of fact: (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Dynaco-MKIII-tube-amplifiers-pair-sequential-serial-numbers-s-n-tags-on-100-v-g-/110835587093?pt=Vintage_Electronics_R2&hash=item19ce50d815)
They can be wired to run in triode mode, and will do 30W. In pentode mode, they are rated 60W @ <1% THD / 50W @ <.5% THD. You may be thinking of the MK II(actually rated as a 50W amp, but did 35W @ .5% THD.
That's right; thanks. That's how my cousin used them; wired in triode. He drove a pair of Quad 57'S. I still remember that beautiful midrange.