dynamic classical which isn't boring?

help someone please recommend some dynamic classical which isn't boring? I don't like waiting 5 minutes between dynamic events either does anything have dynamics like constantly through the entire piece? Thanks

It is my opinion that those raised on Rock but now wanting to get into "Classical" (just so you'll know, Classical is actually one era/style of "serious" music, though commonly used as the name for all of it), would do well to start with the Baroque era. The tempo's are brisker, the movements shorter (often song-length), the energy more kinetic---all traits of Rock music.

J.S. Bach, Handel, Pachelbel, Rameau, Scarlatti, and Vivaldi are the major Baroque composers. You're gonna love it!

Sibelius symphony #2, especially the last movement. 
Beethoven Appasionata sonata for piano, first and last movements
Beethoven first and last movements, moonlight sonata
Bach, the fast choral movements of the b minor mass: start with ex ressurexit. 
Bach, last movement of the double violin concerto. 
Rachmaninoff, piano concerto #2, 3rd movement. 
Lorin Mazel Shostakovich 5th is awesome (Telarc)

Stravinsky Firebird Suite


Saint Saens Organ Symphony 

John Souza

Aaron Copeland 


To name just a few ...tons of great stuff