Dynaudio Audience 52SE vs. Contour S1.4


I'm the, more og less, happy owner of a Dynaudio 52SE speaker. I'm wondering about an upgrade to the Contour S1.4.

Has anyone listened to the S1.4, and maybe compaired to the 52SE?

Any info would be helpful. Thanks.

Best regards
I already have plans to get a NAP200. The Naim UnitiQute is 30 WPC (and 45 @ 4 Ohms), not 50 WPC. Since we are talking about 4 ohm speakers, the Alpha 10P is closer to 150 WPC @ 4ohm..

The Alpha 10P sounds surprisingly good, although not quite as good as NAIM (as I would expect).
Austinbob, the contour S1.4s do need a long break-in time, roughly the time time your sales rep mentioned. I won't do what your sales rep suggested as it does not expedite the process (the same amount of time is still required to break-in those speakers). Rather I would suggest you to just listen to them and hear the speakers change over time. You will find eventually, the highs becoming more relax.
I've been playing them a lot and the sound is definitely improving! I find them pretty neutral and the overall response is better and highs much better now.