Dynaudio Focus 220 vs. Focus 220 II vs. Focus 140

Has anyone heard the Focus 220 II? How does it compare to the Focus 220?

I'm loving the sound of the Focus series and I'm pretty sure that's the speaker for me. I've listened extensively to the Focus 220 and Focus 140 speakers in my room. I enjoyed both of them, but I found the 140 to have a tighter top and bottom, and integrates tweeter and woofer very nicely (the 220 seemed to have a little bump in the lower treble/high mid which sounded a little hard to me). Overall I like the 140 better by a small margin, but I do miss the bass extension of the 220, and the 220 looks much nicer to me. I am not in a position to hear the 220 II, unfortunately. Has anyone heard the Focus 220 II, or know of the reason for the new version? How does it compare to the Focus 220, or 140 for that matter?

My front end is a Benchmark DAC-1 USB fed from solid state PC directly (via analog variable out) into a Bryston 4B-SST. My room is very live. Any help would be amazing!
the 220MKII is a much better balanced speaker now, very smooth from top to bottom, much like the Contour 3.4. The improvement to the crossover and the port re-design made a huge improvement.The cosmetic change, while slight is very attractive.
My understanding is that the MSRP is the same as the MK I - $3500 USD. My MK II's arrive tomorrow - will try to post a comment or two.