Interesting and intelligent post Nsgarch, thank you. I've tried quite a few high end cartridges in my system/room, and while I do like some better than others, I've yet to hear one that sounds slow, dull AND anemic. Perhaps some feel the need to exacerbate, which they feel will make their experience more powerful. It doesn't, it just makes a poster come off as more of a novice. My guess is, if you feel a expensive, popular cartridge sounds THAT bad, you probably don't know how to set it up correctly OR you bought a damaged item. I'm certainly not a XV-1S owner who is just defending his cartridge. I did own one for a couple of months and found it to be a very good cartridge. No, not as good as a ZYX UNIverse, but very good in it's own right. I eventually sold it and moved on.
As I stated earlier, I have never heard the TTW, so I cannot comment. I have heard the Orpheus in my friend's system. It sounded very nice in his system, but his system tends to be more transparent and analytical than my system. I was afraid the Orpheus may have been a bit too warm for my system, based on what I heard in his system and Orpheus reviews.
Anyway, I found your comments on the noise floor very interesting, as I have never had this experience with a cartridge. Sure, some have been quieter than others, but I have not had a "AHA" moment with the noise floor with a cartridge. That said, I have had a couple of "AHA" moments regarding the noise floor in the analog front end. However, my two "AHA" moments involving noise floor came from a Basis turntable and a Walker Audio phono preamp, not from a cartridge. Again though, I haven't had the pleasure of listening to a TTW. :)