EAR 834 vs. ARC PH-3?

Both pieces sell for similar amount in used market, but EAR has adjustable gain. Which one would you choose? What about the older Sonic Frontiers SFP-1 Signature? Planning to use it with medium output cartridge (Shelter?) on VPI Aries/JMW. Rest of the system is all tube (SF Line 3 SE, BAT VK-75SE).
ARC has better controlled bass and more quiet than EAR. You should be OK with Shelter having in mind sencitive and high-gain preamp like Line3.
I have owned both pieces and found the PH-3 the better of the two. The built quality of the Audio Research was much better than the EAR, I had to replace the RCAs twice on the EAR. The sound of the PH-3 was more extended both in the midrange and top end compared to the EAR. I think they are both great products at their price points, the PH-3 retails for about 800.00 more than the EAR if I remember correctly.
Hello Semi. I have to concurr with the recommendations of both Marakanetz and Rec.However... I will be a little more blunt and to the point regarding the comparison. The PH-3 is far superior in "every" way and if it was my donero's... the choice between the two is a no-brainer! Cheers David.