Ed's Awesome Sounds...no longer awesome :-(

Not sure if any of you guys have bought from Ed's Awesome Sounds, but if you have and have anything on order, he just shut down.  Here is the info:


I bought quite a bit from him.  He specialized in UK labels and pressings.  Always had discounted prices, shipping was always free and he did, every so often, a buy 2, get 1 free special.  Wonder why he couldn't make it?

I will miss the deals...
"Wonder why he couldn't make it?

I will miss the deals..."

Maybe it was the deals? Just kidding. I hate seeing small businesses go out of business. I think the world is a better place when most business is small and local.

But so many factors can come into play that aren't even economic or financial.

as a former self-employed, it's "a lot of work" being in business for yourself. 
Ed: If you are reading this: You had the RIGHT IDEA - you gave your customers GREAT PRODUCT and SERVICE. I am very SAD that you could not continue to make the kind of profit that would have allowed you to STAY in business.
Your excellent products will be MISSED.

God Bless and TAKE CARE!
Bruce Garthe
WHAT DAY was the bankruptcy filed? My "MARNIE" dual LP was due to be mailed 4/26. How close was I to having that LP mailed?
How close was I to having that LP mailed?
 Not very.  I got the notification on March 18th.  I had to file (2) separate refund requests with PayPal, but PayPal completely took care of it.