EgglestonWorks Andra in nearfield?

I’m considering a set of these mini-beasts, curious to know how they are in both nearfield and low volume listening.



Thanks for this. I didn’t have the chance to fully read thru the Stereophile review that @tablejockey pointed me to.

I almost pulled the trigger on a used pair once but resisted the temptation. They are on my list of speakers I would love to hear. I know my comments were of no help to you but thought I would weigh in.

This speaker should be listened to in the far field, according to Atkinson's measurements. This allows the drivers to achieve the most coherent sound and avoid a deep suckout at 3khz between the midrange drivers and the tweeter.

I have a pair of Andra III's which I am currently overhauling and building new crossovers. They are fantastic and I would never sell them, however you will need a big room and big amps. They are full-range speakers and then

I also have a pair of Fontaines and a pair of Dianes which I use in my monitor system which for volume reasons I use in my townhouse.

The Dianes are perfect for you as they are for me. Much, much better than bookshelf speakers. Partner them with a Class A amp and good pre-amp and enjoy.

Egglestons, I love them, but they do have a very slight  house sound, which is perfect for me. They are untiring too.


Egglestonworks, Wilson and Soundlabs have been on my list of full rangers. I posted this thread because a local deal on the Andra’s was available. After all the great info and advice here I had to accept that they would most definitely not be a good speaker to take on in my current set up.