Egglestonworks Fontaine ll

Thinking of buying a pair to replace my Thiel 3.6 which i have owned for25 years.  Does anyone have experience with these? 


I wrote a review of the Fontain Signatures a while back, and they were very impressive.

But, I also reviewed the Thiel CS1.6es and they were also extremely good. There is definitely something to the time/phase coherent thing I don’t think the Egglestons can replace. Honestly, if I’m you, I’d be looking at Vandersteen, Joseph Audio, ProAc, Verity Audio, and Silverline as they, in my experience, have that elusive 3D imaging that most other brands lack. Just my thoughts FWIW.

@argee I went from Thiel 3.6 to Eggleston Andra II and shortly thereafter went back to my 3.6.   These speakers present very differently. 

I agree with @soix regarding coherency of Thiel versus Andra II.  I lived with them for about a year and sold them.  They did some things very well but I missed the openness, transparency, and tonality of Thiel.  BTW, what amps are you using?  I was using either Mcintosh 501's or Classe CA200.  Maybe not a good match.