EL34 upgrade

I'm currently experimenting with my Jolida JD302B and various tubes. I have 3 makes and each are vastly different from each. In terms of preference I would order them as such: (1) Svetlana, (2) Sovtek, (3) Shuguang. They are all the budget versions. I am considering upgrading to either the SED Winged C or Gold Lion Reissue. So my question, is whether I would expect improvements to the preferred Svetlana? I have a pricepoint of $200 for a matched quad and not sure whether I need to go higher to really hear a difference. Also I'm sure I'm sure there are others, so please weigh them in as well.

Yes output tubes have a break in period. With 6550's is usually 10-30 hrs. Depends on the amp and the tube.

Would be interesting to know which one you going to get/choose and, if possible, your impressions as well.

No one has mentioned the EH 6CA7--recommended by Jim McShane as a close runner up to the new Genalex.
Jim is a big fan of current production Russian tubes. If he is saying the fat bottle 6CA7 I like them too, in some circuits, I am curently using them and I don't usually like Russian tubes other than Gold Lion. I am kind of surprised he didn't say go with Gold Lions whivh he usually likes. He also frequently recommends a 6L6 types tube from Russia with a designation that I allways forget something like 6P-3se?
Well, he did recommend the Gold Lions as the number 1 tube, but he said the fat bottle EH were a good value for the price.As he said, a close runner-up to the Genalex. I agree. In my amp I can switch out for KT88 tubes, so I'm thinking of trying the Genalex in that category in the future.