Electra Glide Ultra Kahn II and NOISE

I just got an Electra Glide Ultra Kahn II for my Theta Dreadnaught II and it hums! Not a big "must have the polarity wrong" hum like the last EG chord I got, but a very annoying hum none the less. Anyone else run into this? Will it go away? Sounds good otherwise. The Verastarr that this replaces was relatively black in comparison. I'm ready to give up on this manufacturer. The amp end does not fit snuggly and for this price...you would think they would gold plate the contacts at least.
I used to have the same problem with EG PCs....I won't use his stuff in my system....I myself love the Elrod PCs.....
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I agree with your assessment of the Elrod and DCCA power cords. I just sold my Elrod Sig3 for financial reasons, but recently rebuilt a new system(downgraded?) with the DCCA cords and I am happier with the overall sound than I was previously with my system that cost five times as much. I still can't believe that Scott Hall hasn't come through for you. In any event, companies like Elrod and DCCA will probably run Electraglide "out of Dodge" soon enough.
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Sherod, I am also amaze, how good are the DCCA,I have
tried many power cables VD nite,audience powerchord,
Top Gun costum powercord,MIT, Van Den Hul,Kimber,Tara and
many more others,this are all very very good cables
in my system,some of this cable are still in my system.
The DCCA are the cables that have put my system on onother
level,they have this natural Unfatiguing Sound.I listen
for hours, this is the only problem,spending to much
time listening.The good thing about this Don is a very
very nice person to deal with,and the price is very
reasonable.I already have 3 of these cables,I got the
ref1,and 2 power extreme.Tvad, Grant I am glad you
tried them, and like them.Of course I mentioned to
Grant if He tried them, He will end up keeping them.
I notice also even one ref1 pc, has a big impact on
my system, and they are very consistent on every
system, we tried.