Electra Glide Ultra Kahn II and NOISE

I just got an Electra Glide Ultra Kahn II for my Theta Dreadnaught II and it hums! Not a big "must have the polarity wrong" hum like the last EG chord I got, but a very annoying hum none the less. Anyone else run into this? Will it go away? Sounds good otherwise. The Verastarr that this replaces was relatively black in comparison. I'm ready to give up on this manufacturer. The amp end does not fit snuggly and for this price...you would think they would gold plate the contacts at least.
I have only tried the entry-level Power wave Extreme and I'm very impressed. I can only imagine how much better the next two Ref1 and Reference cords sound. I want to get the full measure of this entry-level cord at first. Then I might just try one of the upgrade versions. Happy Listening.
Sherod,the reason I bought 3 pc, because I dont think
the Marantz cd player costing $1250 used would be
able to beat what the DCCA pc cables have done to
my system, they are just unbelievably good,all of
my friend who tried them, end up up buying at 3
WORLD,I stop looking for pc.My search is over.
OK OK I'll take one!!! First off...Who wants to buy this EG UK II off me!! Seriously, I very much want to try a DCCA. Sounds reasonably well valued. The EG sound good on the preamp, though I don't like supporting this guy. Anyone who would pay 5k for a pc outa have his priorities straightened out. First off though...if a component gets all the power it needs when it needs it, what else is there (besides value)? Can a PC give a componant more than it is capable of? Can we really correct all those miles of tin (Al) wire with the last 3 feet? Keep in mind, I live in the middle of nowhere and can't audition anything really. I do beleive that a little silver helps the bass keep up and tight. Seems like the amp is the most critical place for a PC, though all componants certainly would bennefit from cleaner, adequate power on demand.

Canyon John,

DCCA has all three of their power cords on auction right now. There are many threads on why a good power cord makes such a big difference, in spite of the miles of cheap wire that precedes it. What most of us non-technical oriented audiophiles don't understand is that the power cord is actually an extension of the power supply. It is easier to understand why it does what it does when you look at it from that Layman's perspective. Have fun in evaluating your power cords. Just remember to give them adequate time to break-in , if new and adequate time to re-settle if broken-in, but unused for a while.