Electrical problem associated with all of my amps

Since I converted an upstairs room for my new system last November, everything was great. When the weather finally turned warmer, the A/C finally kicked on. However, as soon
as the A/C turns on the amps shuts down. At first I thought the Spectral DMA200 since it draws 800 watts continously was the reason, but it does the same with any of my amps.They all shut down; as soon as the A/C is turned off the amps start right up. None of the other equipment shuts down; because when you actually turn off the amp, the capacitors discharge and the music plays for a few seconds. So is it a voltage drop and I need something like a voltage stabilizer or do I need a new line run into the house. However, what is weird, the A/C and the stereo system are on different circuit breakers.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!
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Elizabeth: I doubt corrosion; most likely too small wire since this room was suppose to be just a storage area over the garage (20x30) or very shitty electrical service from the power company. So basically you are saying I am having a local brown out with a large voltage drop; so a voltage stablizer like the monster cable volatage stabilizer should work???
Schubert -

You might want to call your electric company. There should be a 200-amp line going into your house, but a lot of older houses just have a 120-amp line going in. A friend of mine had a similar problem and he called his power company and they changed out the lines going into his home. Now the lights don't even flicker when his AC comes on.

Best of luck to you!
