Apbiii - Martin Colloms did some testing of energy transmission in the ET2 years ago. He measured the resonances in the arm tube and then in the arm after the air bearing. The conclusions were that the unwanted energy transmitted went straight through the air bearing and out the other end relatively unimpeded.
This is the old chestnut - do you kill unwanted energy by overdampening, or by having a drain path to ground ( the plinth ).
The main issue with overdampening is that soft materials eg rubber, will store energy and then release it "out of time" with the music, thus smearing the sound.
People will have their own preferences, do you want to hear everything, quick, coherent, lively if a little coloured, or do you like a nice smooth inoffensive sound if lacking a little speed, detail and coherence.
This is the old chestnut - do you kill unwanted energy by overdampening, or by having a drain path to ground ( the plinth ).
The main issue with overdampening is that soft materials eg rubber, will store energy and then release it "out of time" with the music, thus smearing the sound.
People will have their own preferences, do you want to hear everything, quick, coherent, lively if a little coloured, or do you like a nice smooth inoffensive sound if lacking a little speed, detail and coherence.