Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners

Where are you? What mods have you done ?

I have been using these ET2's for over 9 years now.
I am still figuring them out and learning from them. They can be modified in so many ways. Bruce Thigpen laid down the GENIUS behind this tonearm over 20 years ago. Some of you have owned them for over 20 years !

Tell us your secrets.

New owners – what questions do you have ?

We may even be able to coax Bruce to post here. :^)

There are so many modifications that can be done.

Dressing of the wire with this arm is critical to get optimum sonics along with proper counterweight setup.

Let me start it off.

Please tell us what you have found to be the best wire for the ET-2 tonearm ? One that is pliable/doesn’t crink or curl. Whats the best way of dressing it so it doesn’t impact the arm. Through the spindle - Over the manifold - Below manifold ? What have you come up with ?
Chris, yes!, ear protection mufflers over ear plugs. May not be audiophile approved, but effective. Actually, my tractor is a Husqvarna GT48XLS. Love the thing. I suppose that after so much time worrying about the micro level of woodwind spring tension and tonearm resonances, I find the visceral experience of dirt, gasoline fumes and engaging that rear-wheel-differential a welcome change of pace :-)

In answer to your question: it is rare the professional grade woodwind instrument that does not require fairly extensive "set-up" even when brand new; including spring tension. Some manufacturers are more careful about releasing instruments in good playing condition than others. As audiophiles know very well, there is good and then there is GOOD when it comes to setup; a new instrument will inevitably require a visit or two to a first-rate technician. I have actually learned to do quite a bit of set-up work myself because, frankly, it's almost impossible to pay someone enough to do the kind of really fine adjustments that make an instrument feel mechanically "one's own".

Your comments about bass-management are spot-on. I completely agree with you about the importance of getting the bass right and there is, likewise, an expression among musicians that "everything starts from the bass up". IOW, get the tuning and balance of the bass instruments correct and everything else is much more likely to fall into place musically. The best orchestras (like the best stereos) have bass sections that play with the same clarity of timbre and litheness of the upper instruments, and produce sounds that are not simply low-frequency muck with no air around individual instruments.

Hi Tim
regarding the "wedgie" :^) - A while back I did put one piece of Oak temporarily on the counterweight side to hold up the just installed damping trough. To allow the adhesive to set. One loses functionality of the VTA when you do that.

I found big differences between ET 2.0 (.5) mounted on

1) Wood plinth with the aluminum plate - in this case my own plinth birch/plywood (70 lbs), and the Jean Nantais plinth 100 lbs.
2) Acrylic or some other hard material that required use of the aluminum plate to keep it from marring the surface.
3) Mounted naked without the plate - Metal spikes direct on aluminum, brass, other similar material.

1 is the worst by far, and 3 is the best - to my ears. Also I can grab the manifold and move the Verdier table on its pneumatic suspension with it and not cause a shift. Its very firm. On the Jean Nantais table the armboards are replaceable and like the motor/platter mounts are separated from the main plinth with a void (air space)by design. The next step for me was to try a different material armboard with the ET2. Add this to the project bucket list.

Imo - the aluminum plate was a business decision by Bruce (a good one) to allow mounting on different tables. Most VPI tables had acrylic plinths so would fall within (2) above. The spikes could be filed down in this case to allow for direct mounting. I am curious if you are still using a VPI Classic with the wooden plinth and plate ? Good that the wedgies worked for you and you are happy with it.

Also regarding the VTA which the wedgie defeats. On the general analog forums here there are obviously two camps with those that like to play around with VTA alot and those that just set it at the "middle gound" and "forgetaboutit". This is true with the ET2 as well. Some have even removed the spike system and locked/tightened the VTA down so it can not be used. The post from Banquo363 earlier in this thread of the ET2 he bought was an example of this.
My 2 cents.
Pegasus - I call my baritone sax my personal distillery.

Like Frogman and a few others here you certainly have a way with words !

Frogman - Actually, my tractor is a Husqvarna GT48XLS

Frogman - you own one really sweet machine! I am a fan of Husq. I happen to own an "old" 20 inch Husq. chainsaw. It was bought used from a Logger back around '92 where our summer retreat is for $250.00. If you can just imagine what "used" means coming from a Logger... :^)...... but doesn't it still run smooth, and it has saved me a few times as the last kilometer into our place can be best defined as a good "Loggers" road through steep terrain and forest. You never know what is lurking round the corner after a bad storm.

Frogman - I find the visceral experience of dirt, gasoline fumes and engaging that rear-wheel-differential a welcome change of pace :-)

Frogman - A friend from up north sent me this video two days ago.

How to load a Bobcat...

Where else but here, will you see a cool tractor video.... some good physics happening there like with vinyl.

And now a Ray Anderson Interlude..

Pegasus - Re: Trombone - The instrument is extremely powerful in a seductive way, a lot of colors and expressive

The middle/high school years can be very expressive but also impressionable. I wish the girls back then in my class saw the trombone as more seductive !
I have the ET mounted on the plinth of my VPI Classic. I took some time and used several blocks of wood to get what I think is the best VTA. I also have the table mounted on Stillpoint Ultra SS's and one of them is on top of the arm mount. I taped the hole with 1/4 20 and screwed the Ulra into the mount.

I also have the table mounted on Stillpoint Ultra SS's and one of them is on top of the arm mount. I taped the hole with 1/4 20 and screwed the Ulra into the mount.

cool - Tim this is the type of modded setup a picture would be great with, maybe in your virtual page? Anyway I'd like to see it and am sure others would too. My comments apply to Pegasus' ET 2.5 set up as well.

btw - I discovered that the Audiogon virtual system is a separate database from the forums. How I know this, is you can link a pic from your virtual system into a thread like this one. Go ahead and delete the pic from your virtual system. The link with pic will remain in the thread.

Cheers Chris