EMM Lab CDSD transport motor resonating

Has anyone experienced any sort of resonating sound coming from their CDSD when playing certain CDs. This has happenned to me on two discs, the latest one with "Shirley Eikhard - Stay Open, Track 1 - Take It To The Max". I assume it has something to do with the rotation speed of the transport on that given track, because it slowly fades away past the 2 minute mark, and doesn't occur on any other track. It is extremely annoying and surprising for a $7K transport. I'm starting to wonder if I need to send it back, but I'm hesitating considering how difficult it has been to get it in the first place.
I too have had endless problems with the CDSD; it is very noisy on some disks, as other have noted. And, sometimes it takes 20 tries before it will play an SACD. I took the factory's advice and added sound damping insulation inside the case. That helps with the clicking, but nothing seems to account for the refusal of the transport to play some SACDs, or to take multiple tries to play them -- and there is no pattern. So, basically I do not know what to do. The factory tries to be helpful, but the fixes don't fix the problems. It is not that they are in the least uncooperative, but nothing works, and I've been told the transport will not be replaced. So, it appears that I am stuck. When it works, it's great. But I must say that I certainly did not expect problems of this type at this price point.
Oneobgyn - so how came that you went through 3 different CDSDs if you didn't have a problem ?
I initially owned the original SACD 1000 which even though an albatross never once had a problem.

I then owned the last version of the CDSD with the metal tray and no USB. I wanted the latter in order to be able to do firmware upgrades and sold that unit as well as the SACD 1000 here on Audiogon. I presently own the current version with the USB port and as I have said repeatedly I have never once had any problems with any of these players or my DAC6e (now the Signature Edition) for that matter.

IMO for my ears the Meitner gear remains the best digital available in the market today. It is so good that I still have no desires to get back into vinyl.
Thom_y - I also have the minor static pop once in a while, but it's never been much of a concern to me.

Oneobgyn - You are very fortunate to have never had any issues, but I trust that you are not trying to imply these issues are not real? I have also gone through 3 units and all of them made resonating sounds to varying degrees. However, the latest (non SE) version has been the quietest as all noises are certainly within reason. I do find it surprising that you have never heard anything with the original CDSD. My listening position is about 11 feet from the CDSD, and I could clearly hear the resonating over the music on about 10% of my discs.

I was becoming very frustrated with the transport. I invited the dealer to witness the problem first hand in my room and they agreed that it was unreasonable for a transport of this cost/calibre. My dealer was able to negotiate a new transport for me and I am grateful to them - as I believe they had to absorb considerable cost in doing so. There is certainly something to be said about great customer relationships, as I will continue to be a patron of their store.
As I said, I have never had a problem with any of my units so I canot affirm or deny that the issues are real. If you have had the problem as have others then for all you it is real. Fortunately never for me.