Emotiva XMC-1 owners....

I am considering trying the new Emotiva XMC-1 home theatre processor and wanted anyone who has one to please key in your experience with this awaiting piece. I am on a large upgrade waiting list but would like some feedback for those who have it at home. Any comparisons would be nice as I previously sold my UMC-200 processor and now use a tube integrated with an Oppo 103 for processing which is just ok. The Oppo has bad volume control, no sub control & no XLR connectivity. Thx in advance....
They make cheap entry level gear and claim it's as good as anything out there. I've tried several of their products and researched others. They're nothing special at the prices charged.

No manufacturer is "needed". They either get people to buy their stuff or they don't.
All manufacturers claim they make the best gear,you know that!
Why would Emotiva be or act any different. Their reason for existence as a company is to make profit.Now they do so by producing a good product without overcharging the customer.
For example looking at my XPR amps,I can tell you that they did cut costs on the chassis by using thinner metal on the case ONLY at top,rear panels. The front is all the business with nice thick one inch aluminum faceplate.
Inside the unit there is nothing missing in parts quality that you wouldn't see in say a MAC amp or Bryston.
Only those makers charge 3 and 4 times up.
All manufacturers do not claim they make the best gear, and that is not what I said. But if you think that they don't make a big margin off of each sale, you are mistaken. Their products are built to a price point, just like any other maker. They use budget parts to meet that low price, don't kid yourself.

Which is why they don't come close to a Mac or Bryston. Besides which they don't have the knowledge, people or organization behind them to build some of the best gear out there. They are a small minded company that can't keep up with demand during promotions. Lonnie? He's a figurehead, not a John Curl. Big Dan is a businessman with electronics connections in China.

I'm sure they do a tidy business and that's fine. But I get a kick out of Emo fanboy owners who say it's as good as the big boys.
Kratos amp sounded ok but going another route. Combatability and too many issues definitely. I need to figure out which 2 channel amplifier I should use.