EMT 927 vs. Micro Seiki 5000 or 8000 - different?

Did any one test those machines in the same set up? What was the outcome? Idler-Drive in its best built quality vs. the well rated heavy belts from Japan.
TAD is ok, it is not the most beguiling solution. I have worked with the TAD distributor/s in Bavaria and Germany :) They come from studio supply background and so they think that this works also for domestic audio...however the studio requirements are different to what most people think they want for domestic audio...again we come back to interpretation. The 2002 and 4003 are fantastic drivers however.

I had the TAD 2402 and 2401 speakers. Good speakers...but all roads lead to 5 way horns. :)

Yeah, sea side and settling down.

''So we are both building up horn systems, I decided to go for TAD Berryllium drivers. A very well known German technology advisor supports me in this challenge to match better with my nearly completly tube based system.''
Scary quake - biggest I've ever felt. Tokyo got off easy. Coastal Miyagi/Iwate/Fukushima/Ibaraki/Chiba was not as fortunate. My prayers go out to everyone there and with family there. I pray for early daylight to help rescue operations but I fear what we will see. No music for me tonight.
Oh my god, T_Bone I am sitting in the lounge at Saigon International Airport. all the Japanese people over here stranded. Hey I recall you are somewhere in Sendai province. Good to hear you are safe. Know how earthquakes feel in Tokyo. all the best. eckart
Yeah, a lot of my friends have been effected by this disaster. My heart goes out to everyone...