ENGLISH ELECTRIC EE-1 High-performance network noise isolator ? Yay or Nay?

Anybody personally road-test this brand new new streaming noise and jitter isolator offering from CHORD, just released ?









Jitter is not present in transfers since Ethernet doesn't work in real time (data in packets) and I doubt that electrical noise injected by the cable can affect sharp edges of DAC's internal clock enough to create audible jitter artifacts. 
Electrical noise reduction is always good, but ask them about return policy (why to keep it if you cannot tell the difference?)


I you want to be efficient with your time stop sniping without experience. I use a Pink Faun Isolator with outstanding effect, so know that your comment lacks grounding in fact. And btw: nothing is further from my mind than to ever solicit an opinion from the likes of you.

I run my streaming from the high speed router I got from AT&T wired  to an Eero system that sends the data wirelessly  to the Eero unit that my streamer  connects to wirelessly.  In this set up, would placing one of these devices (or similar) between the att router and the first Eero unit make any difference .  My streamer chai is a highly modified Bluesound NODE 130 - Phoenix USB - Gustard X26 Pro. Or would it be better to replace the ATT router with something else?