Looking at the picture again it looks like the back of the connector may be buried slightly in the outer stucco cement finish. Hard to really tell from looking at the picture.
If you want to get a good water tight seal you may have to chisel away some of the stucco to expose the back of the cable and the back side of the connector.
Use a small chisel and a small hammer... Take your time.... BE CAREFUL! Do not damage the outer sheath of the service cable.
Looking at the picture again it looks like the back of the connector may be buried slightly in the outer stucco cement finish. Hard to really tell from looking at the picture.
If you want to get a good water tight seal you may have to chisel away some of the stucco to expose the back of the cable and the back side of the connector.
Use a small chisel and a small hammer... Take your time.... BE CAREFUL! Do not damage the outer sheath of the service cable.