Equipment: To Hide or not to Hide

I am lost between hiding my equipment into a side room or keep it in the open on racks. I know that this is a personal matter. I enjoy looking at my equipment while listening to music. Looking into all the photos of virtual systems make me want to keep them in the open. I am interested in knowing from both camps about their experiences.

I'd hide everything if I could. Unfortunately remote controls and heat from tubes makes that difficult. I'd even hide my speakers if I could. I hate to admit to the unwashed that I so enjoy such an arcane hobby. :-) Besides I find all of that stuff visually distracting when I really just want to hear music. For some unexplicable reason though, I do like to display my music along with books in my shelving systems. Go figure.......

I use a soft cloth, similar to that which I use for cleaning glass lenses (cameras or eye), to dust my stuff.
I find equipment between the loudspeakers distracting, almost as much as a blank TV screen. When my gear was between the speakers and included a big McIntosh amp, I found myself putting the record album cover in front of the amp so I wouldn't have to look at the meters, especially when the room was dimly lit.

Aesthetically, I find it much less overwhelming with the speakers placed separately. There's also a little more flexibility with fine-tuning the speaker placement.

All in all, I listening to my system more when I don't have to look at the pile of gear.
As you can see from my systems, I like the hybrid approach. When in use all my equipment is visible, when not in use its closed up in a cabinet. I use this approach because my setups are in general living spaces. I often have guests with kids, etc. and I like the security of having the equipment off limits. If i had a dedicated listening room in basement or similar space, I would just leave the equipment open all the time.
Staying on the same topic, How are you guys managing the dust collection on the equipment? I am covering my my equipment with a large bed sheet. Do you just use swiffer or something else, please advise.
