Esoteric C03 preamp or Mark Levinson 326S preamp- ANY and ALL FEEDBACK / HELP PLEASE

Esoteric C03 preamp or Mark Levinson 326S preamp 

ANY FEEDBACK - THOUGHTS - IDEAS would be so appreciated.

I am in the middle of total system re-fit and have made many changes - I am sure too many but I am quite happy now and now have my preamp choice down to these 2-preamps.

Can you guys provide any feedback about either of these. I like to hear from you guys. I read all the reviews on both and those are all well and good but I always get the real ho-down low-down from you guys - good or bad.

                                                ** Back Ground info**

** Room is 
14 x 24 w/Cathedral Ceilings - 16 Foot a peak

** Music likes:
Assorted Music no metal or loud hard rock anymore really - not much Large Scale classical either but everything else.

** Likes / Priority: 
Transparency - Delicate - Linear - High resolution - microscope but not sterile not etched or lifeless - I know there is a fine Line here but I'm looking to walk the line as close as I can - real see through into the music - transparent to the source because I love my DAC - extended and to remove as many layers without being clinical - image and sound stage lover - tight bass - hate flab - like speed and transparency but needs to be musical. 

** Perspetive
Just had a BAT VK32SE brand new tubes / certified pre-owned, mint same as new preamp. Wrong match. Just looking to go total other way. Not what I am looking for.

** More Perspective - I have been running my Bricasti Direct M1SE to my Pass Labs X350.5 amps and really starting to love it. I want to expand on this sound a bit. Little more depth, width of stage, bass, dynamics but don't want to add veils or give up a lot in transparency - I know I will give up some vs direct in doing so. That is why I am looking for the very best SS preamp I can get in my range and have come up with these two choices and wanted to know your thoughts. 


Magico S5 Loud Speakers

Bricasti M1 Special Edition DSD DAC 

Pass Labs X350.5 Balanced Stereo Amplifier 

PS Audio P10 Power Plant Regenerator 

Kubala-Sosna Emotion 2.5M Speaker Cables 

Assorted IC's Balanced and Single ended.

Digital PC based front end that I have been tweaking and evolving:

Transport: microRendu 1.4 and Full Suite of UpTone Audio Premium Power Supplies (2)x LPS-1 and (1) JS2 LPS - (2) Regens - the new ISO and an Amber and all powered with premium/custom Canare / Oyide DC cables for all power supplies plus the great Tellurium Q Black Diamond Reference USB cable and a Curious Regen Link USB Cable.   

Really appreciate any help you can provide on these 2-preamps. If you would like more info please let me know - all comments and feedback are most welcome and deeply appreciated :)

Thanks guys/gals 


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
Of all the gear I have owned, tried or even just heard not once have I ever heard a David Berning design product.

I must hear some of his gear sometime. I know some if it runs red hot which I am not a fan at all with tubes (fine with red hot class a solid state) but must admit to reading more than a few times that he is one of most inventive, creative and brilliant designers of all time. A true savant.

I think if I ever do try a tube preamp again it will be tranny coupled design or with some JFets in there.

People speak of the modern sound of tube preamps in some cases in a negative way. I use to always be a fan of the classic CJ sound myself for years but even they have moved much more to the middle.

After my last experience with a tube preamp with my current system it is easy to why ARC and now CJ and most others have gone the way they have hence the modern tube sound. At the same time the solid state sound is much more like tubes which is fantastic. There are some things tubes do that solid state can probably never do and probably not vise versa.The problem here being to better excellent solid state sound via tubes cost much more money. I think SS can get you 90% there / maybe a bit higher and to top that with tubes to get that last 7% - 10% puts you in the $20k to $30k preamps where SS can get you 90% for around $10k and used $5kish. The best bang for buck premium sound IMO is the SS pre but of course that is just IMO.

The more transparent and neutral our systems become the closer we get. The closer we get the more transparent and neutral every addition must be. The leeway or wiggle room window either way is so much smaller. 

Any deviation from transparency and neutrality as you get closer seems to push you further away so transparency and neutrality that were once more preference are now mandatory and no longer optional.

It is no longer about voicing or preference anymore. It is now purely about simple second grade mathematics. It is either addition or subtracting. I don't mean this in the most strictest sense but you get where I am going. This makes it both easier and harder. Easier because it is simple from the standpoint it either sounds better or worst. Harder because you must find the square peg for the square whole and I looked and don't list that on the package. We must purchase try and either keep or flip. Now thankfully there is a place such as this with like minded, intelligent people that understand clearly these things where ideas can be shared , debated and pushed forward. For that I am grateful. 

With tubes once you get in deep the Pay to play goes up a whole bunch :)   
It is no longer about voicing or preference anymore.
@fsmithjack  Was it ever? I don't know of any designer that 'voices' their electronics. We never have.

Had you ever considered a tube preamp with a direct-coupled output?
No I mean us voicing our systems - not the designer - when we are putting together our systems. We audiophiles putting a system together with warm tube preamp to off set a bright sold state amp type of thing. I’m just an Audiophile I’ll leave the designer talk to the smart people. I’m sure there are a bunch of great tube pres that sound amazing. I’ve owmed maybe 20 tube preamps so pretty Small sample overall. 
Hey Guys - HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone.

Your feedback and comments have helped me so much.

I just started a new thread about a couple amps I am considering and wanted to share the link with you guys if you feel like sharing.

Thanks again :)

Guys - I needed to shoot you update today.

jafant, testpilot and hk_fan have been waiting for updates. Sorry haven't updated sooner, Been so busy working but wanted to update you guys and 68pete, jmcgrogan2, kalai and all the other great members that have been so awesome and encouraging,

I'm psyched.

Some of the great changes we make end up being the ones we don't make sometimes. I had a deal to change amps from my Pass Labs X350.5 to Hegel H30 amp but that deal fell through but now I am happy it did. The Pass is a great amp and it is now shinning like never before but in fairness it has always been an incredible amp and that was probably more of a flavor change verse an upgrade but glad I still have my Pass.

This great sound I am getting now has been the case for the last couple weeks but I was just struct by a song I was just listening to and thought - oh man - wow - hands down - this is best sound I've even known - I am so lucky to have found that elusive and ever fleeting balance that we all strive for.

My system as of today has reached a height that I have never known before. I have had some nice sounding systems and been at this a while so this is sort of a big deal because been working through my recent rig re-fit and pushed through and reached this new great level.

I am sure many of you know what I am talking about. That rare, elusive moment where you are like - awe man - there we are - this is fantastic * dam - yeah -   music just bounces with emotion, clarity and impact that strikes you right in the gut.

It funny for a while there I was questioning if Magico's were for me and if solid state could get me there. Haha, what a mistake thinking that was... I always had tubes and thought I may need to return to them in some form. Um that's a big NO. I'm in my 40's but I remember my first piece of music was AC/DC Back in Black on 8-Track and I Played in my 2-XL Robot If you have never heard of a 2-XL google it. It was a little talking robot that played 8-tracks and sounded great. They put a good sounding little speaker in there and I was hooked and my audio journey got rolling. I got my first good record player in 1985 and listening to harder music back then. The Who, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Van Halen, Judas Priest, Stones and all on vinyl and loved it.

Needless to say I am pretty psyched with my rig now and wanted to update you guys.

Also, for the record the Mark Levinson No.326s preamp is absolutely fantastic. I had some people tell me how great it was and other saying it was ok but sort of polite. I have no idea how anyone could call it that other than it is one terrifically transparent component so I guess if your system is polite than this pre would pass it along but man. This is one fantastic preamp in my system.

I was writing about how I was looking for the right pre and i just tried out a half dozen or so preamps and a few I bought and then flipped and others I took on loan.

I bought BAT VK-32SE and out it went quick. Nothing wrong with the pre but not what i was looking for. The Levinson pulverized that preamp in every way. I tried the very good Ayre K-1xe that I really liked and it is a very good preamp and if I had not heard the Levinson I would have been happy with it but the Levinson is in my opinion a much more serious preamp. It's just flat out a little better at everything and overall much better. I tried another great preamp the Allnic L-3000 MKII and Manley Steelhead as a linestage and these both were great but not up the Levinson in my opinion. Not even close in my opinion.

I love this Mark Levinson No.326s preamp so much that I just ordered a set of the dual-mono phono module boards to install to make it a full function preamplifier. Going pop these in and take another swing at vinyl.

Love the idea of finding such an incredible preamp and being able to upgrade into a phonostage as well. Super excited. What do you guys think:

VPI Classic Signature 3D arm demo  


Dr. Feickert Woodpecker Jelco arm demo

both same price

or something else for $4,000. I have a owned a couple decent vinyl rigs but really a digital guy so sort of novice in the analogue real so any ideas or feedback would be great. 
