Your comments about mfg voicing are dead on and accurate. I have heard many players that were overall clearly superior to another player not play a particular song as well as the lesser player. Some songs benefit from a sweeter, softer perspective while other songs benefit from a more analytical and focused perspective.
This actually happened a couple of times when 711 and I were going head to head with the APL and Exemplar 3910. There were songs where the APL sounded more musical but not as accurate or dynamic as the Exemplar.
To be honest, I'm not sure if its even fair to compare a tubed unit to a 100% solid state unit. It seems to me some of the sonic traits of tubes (warmth, airiness) can never be duplicated TO THE SAME DEGREE on solid state gear. It's already a given that the Denon's (both of which incorporate tubes) are going to sound warmer than the X01 which is not a warm player to begin with.
In my listening tests I wil try to take this into account and focus on other performance areas in making my decision.
MGotlieb, since you currently own the X01 how would you describe its sonic traits as it relates to redbook? Overall, do you like the redbook playback of the X01 better than the redbook on the Omega? Please explain in detail.