Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?

Is there are anyone out there who has compared the Esoteric DV-50 to a number of dedicated red book only players (or other universal's) and found one that is SIGNIFICANTLY better?

I stress significantly because in my humble opinion the redbook playback (if comparison unit is just a cd cd player only )must be significantly better to justify losing DVD-A, SACD and DVD-Video capability.

I keep hearing there are better one box solutions and being a die hard 2 channel fan I would sell my DV-50 if I found a player in the same price range that sounds significantly better. But every time I do an AB comparision to other well respected units the DV-50 has slayed each and every one.

So far, it has eaten the lunch of the Classe CDP-10, Ayre CX-7, Linn Ikemi, Cairn Fog Vers. 2, Cary 306/300, Arcam DV 27A and CD 33T, Myryad CD 600, etc. It even betters a Sony SCD 777ES/MF Tri-Vista 21 transport/dac combo that I previously owned. I'm only comparing the DV-50 to single box cd or universal players, but I just wanted to mention the Sony/MF combo. I'm sure there are some dac/transport combo's that will handily beat the DV 50.

Some may say that the DV 50 should beat all the above because the of price point ($5,500 vs. average price of $3,000 for the above players). But I disagree since conventional wisdom says that stand alone players (especially with the pedigree of those mentioned above) should produce better redbook than a universal player trying to be a jack of all trades. Only the DV 27A does video plus audio. By the way, I was very impressed with the 27A as just a cd player. Of all the above I would say the Ayre was the best.

Next on my list is the Electrocompaniet EMC 1UP and the Resolution Audio Opus 21. However, I must tell you I am really impressed with the DV 50 and all the great reviews are absolutely true. I've noticed that many people who are using it or comparing to other players are using the RCA analog outs instead of the balanced outs. There is a significant improvement in sound if you use the balanced outs and I'm only interested in hearing comments from people who have compared it against other players using the balanced outs on the DV-50.

My system components are as follows:

B&W N803's speakers & HTM-1 center
Cary Cinema 5 (5 x 200) amp
Anthem D1 Statement pre/pro
Esoteric DV 50
Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun speaker wire
Nirvana SX balanced interconnects from DV-50 to Anthem
Acoustic Zen Matrix reference II interconnects from D1 to Cary
No after market power cords or isolation equipment

My system sounds great! Those who comment please make sure to specify what specific improvements you heard over the DV 50 and what cdp were you comparing it against.

"I am still struck that a poster can also serve as a moderator, although I think avguru has been open, although perhaps with too much vanity showing."

Tbg- Excellent point. I'm still waiting for an apology from avguru-poster/moderator for being accused of making a statement made by you.

Somebody had to step in and take control of a thread that was clearly getting out of hand. Anybody could have done it but no one else wanted to. I was receiving e-mails from other posters asking me to do something. Although it has lessened to a great degree, people are still taking "pot shots" and making personal remarks against others even though I've asked everyone not to do so.

For example, look at your comment..why is it necessary for you to criticize me for labeling myself the moderator? What purpose does that serve? I made my comments (and my self imposed title) over two weeks ago and yet you're still talking about it? Why?

If trying to restore order to a thread and making commentators show respect for each other is vain then I gladly wear that label. If I have to call myself the moderator in order to accomplish that then again I will gladly take your criticism. If I have to enlist the help of A-gon staff to temper the rhetoric on this thread then I will do that also.

When I made my comments I stated then there would be those who wouldn't be happy with what I had to say. And I also strongly suggested that those who weren't had every right to leave this thread and start their own. That option is also available to you.

Please, let's move on!

Orjazzm - which Esoterics is the Accustic Arts Surround Player 1 being compared to? And, where/when in the states can this this thing be seen/heard?


In looking through the history of your posts on this thread it does seem that I incorrectly attributed the "shootouts are useless" comment to you when in fact it was Tbg who said it. My apologies.

However, I do not apologize for my efforts to restore order and focus to this thread. I will continue with those efforts until this thread comes to fruition.


Dbld, I was told that it betters the UX1 and X01. As for availability, there were only two demos at CES 2005 and those were sold on the spot. Please understand that I am telling this information as it was told to me by a dealer who sells both Esoteric and Accustic Art gear.