Tbg I totally agree with you, anyone who want to buy
a cdp, they should do the best, they can to audition it, in their own system, and in their own listening room.This is
the way to go.But how about those who dont have access
with this cdp? Can you tell me,what is the most practical
way for them to audition one? Like Eric stated in his
post, Modifiers wont send you a cdp for us to hear it.
In my case, I call the guy who own the sonymodwright.
And did a lot a research.I have been very happy with my
player.This thread will help someone to make decisions,
One example is Jose21 He bought the APL, and He thank
711 for his thought about the APL,He is a happy APL
owner,Dolfan according to him, He read AVguru's post
after the first shootout, He thinks the the way to go
is the SonyModwright, He is also very happy with his
Sonymod.This thread would help someone to at least get
a good idea,its a little bit of gamble.Peter is also
a happy Sonymodwright owner,1Markr is still trying
to burn in his player, He will post, when the burn
in period is done.
a cdp, they should do the best, they can to audition it, in their own system, and in their own listening room.This is
the way to go.But how about those who dont have access
with this cdp? Can you tell me,what is the most practical
way for them to audition one? Like Eric stated in his
post, Modifiers wont send you a cdp for us to hear it.
In my case, I call the guy who own the sonymodwright.
And did a lot a research.I have been very happy with my
player.This thread will help someone to make decisions,
One example is Jose21 He bought the APL, and He thank
711 for his thought about the APL,He is a happy APL
owner,Dolfan according to him, He read AVguru's post
after the first shootout, He thinks the the way to go
is the SonyModwright, He is also very happy with his
Sonymod.This thread would help someone to at least get
a good idea,its a little bit of gamble.Peter is also
a happy Sonymodwright owner,1Markr is still trying
to burn in his player, He will post, when the burn
in period is done.