Alex I can only speak on my own experience with my
Sony9000es,Have you heard both of the unit? If
the 999ES is better than the 9000es ,then Dan
was able to put one of the best CDP modified.Alex
my sony is so musical, natural,and the tonal balance
is so accurate,my Andra"s were voice with piano,and
they do sounds like piano with 999es, you can email Avguru.
The reason why I want Fla to email Dan,to make sure
He doesnt make the wrong decision.I will do the same
if I own the APL.I will direct Him to you.I just want
to help here at no cost.
I will also inform you what is the sonic difference,Mark
got his 999es, when the burn in ,is finish, we will
do comparison.If indeed the 999es is better in my
system, then its time to upgrade, and thanks for telling
me.Enjoy they music.
Alex thanks a lot for contributing on this thread.