Esoteric DV-60

Anyone heard this unit yet? As many of you know, it is replacing the DV-50S and I'm looking for noticeable difference in audio/video quality as well as functionality. I know on paper the changes that have been made, but is the upgrade worth it from a user's perspective. Thanks for your opinions and experiences. Dave.
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06-28-06: Chichiuno
Sorry, My Bag.. the Dv-60 does not use the same Pioneer drive as the DV-50. ( was a late night)

Thanks for the clarification, I hope the new transport proves reliable.

Anthony, after reading all your comments on the new DV-60, I'm wondering where the big reduction in overal weight (47 lbs. vs 31 lbs.) comes from? I read that Teac claims to be using aluminum top and side panels on the DV-60. That would account for some weight reduction. Perhaps the new transport is substantialy lighter?
Sorry Frankpiet, I have no interest in cars.I broke in My X-01 for approx 850 hrs of almost uninterrupted playing time, while I left the rest of the system turned off days at a time. It turns out I should have broken it in for a couple of more hundred hrs, as the sound actually still kept refining after that milestone.

The DV50(s) units weight comes from the heavy metal (lol) bottom panel (mostly), and middle top panel and some from the two side panels. When one removes the panels and side covers, the unit is actually pretty light after that point. The new DV-60 uses a one peice lighter aluminum top cover and apparently lighter (and thinner) bottom plate. The DV-50(s) feels more like a tank in comparison.
How did you confirm it took 850 hrs+, for the X-01 to break in?

Me/myself/and I