Esoteric F-07, F-05, Levinson 585

I’m going to trade my Naim Star in for a better integrated.   My choices are: Esoteric F-05, Esotric F-07 or Levinson 585.  I have not heard the new Levinson 5805 yet as it has not hit dealer shelves yet.
I only put the F-07 in because I might not need that much power in my 12x12 listening room. My speakers are Sonus Faber Sonetto VIII with Nordost Frey 2 cabling.
I like a tight bass and not so bright highs.  Any comments would be appreciated as I have never owned these brands.

Agree with previous post about the 585 being the best on the list. It’s anything but boring. Try to give each a listen and trust your ears. 

I understand everyone has his own views on system components, but this is the first time i I saw a $6000 speakers paired a $4000 speaker cables. I bet you can get more gain on sound quality by buying a $10,000 with a $1000 cable. The absolute most important component in your system are: Speakers.Just my 2 cents
Ktz there are different possible scenarios here, one the OP got a great deal or got the cables used.

Two the OP feels that he is going to upgrade the electronics or the speakers sometime in the future and didn't want to purchase the cables twice.

Three a $1,000.00 pair of cables hooking up to a $10k amp is not really sufficient to get the best out of that $10k amp.

We sell the Wireworld cabling, and in most of our demos we use a $3.5k pair of Silver Eclipse when you compare the same amplifier with a $500-1,000k pair of cables from the same manufacturer the sound quality definatetly isn't as good.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Wireworld dealers
I compared a pair of $1500 speaker cables and then better ones on $6000 speakers and BW’s 804 speakers that are $9000.
The cabling made such a huge difference in sound quality and detail.
I heard notes that weren’t in the less expensive cables.
Since I don’t want to keep losing money trading cables in.....I decides to buy the better cables to use on whatever speakers I have.
The Wireworld cables are good and I use their Ethernet cables in my system.
Happy listening.
Welcome! to the Club. Cabling, makes a difference -enjoy the music.
Happy Listening!