I am looking for an SACD player with great redbook as well.
My price range is $5000.00 with a $7500.00 maximum. It seems nearly impossible to hear the Esoteric X-03 along
with the Ayre C5XE. I'd prefer to buy after hearing both together. Has anybody out there heard the two together, or
personally owns either and can venture their opinion as to the quality of sound that each produces?
Frankpiet, as the TEAC UX-1 is an AV multichannel player, it was never optimized for 2 channel audio. It is well known that its 2 channel audio performance is not state of the art. It would make more sense to compare these modified devices with the X-01 or the X-01 Limited, which are 2 channel machines. have you ever performed such a comparison?
Guidocorona: it seems like we could open up a private chat ;) I mainly compared the DV-50 S to other multichannel machines as it is multichannel too. I did compare the modded DV-50 S to my previous Accuphase DP-67 (which I find is quite sterile and uninvolving - though great resolution) and to my previous Audio Aero Capitole MK II SE (which is musical very pleasing but lacks image stability, dynamics and base line). The modded DV-50 S has it all. Never looked back but my next step up will be an Esoteric UX-3 SE or UX-1 (of course I´ll add mods sooner or later) to solve some possible shortcomings.
I,too, own an Esoteric DV-50 with the "budget" mod by ram. The improvement is amazing, and for about $1,200 bucks, a DV-50 with this mod is very hard to beat.
For SACD playback, why no mention of the unique complete SACD module mods by Allen Wright's Vacuum StateElectronics?
These received rave reviews over a year ago in Audio Perfectionist Journal and Positive Feedback Online.They are for specific two channel only Sony models SCD-1 and its internal twin the SCD-777ES plus the lighter weight 9000ES that also has DVD video output. The final updates(level 5+) of these mods were reviewed recently in Positive Feedback and offer a value priced quality alternative for owners of these models. Uniquely these mods
allow instant comparison with the untouched stock module and its stock outputs! I own these units as well as the Esoteric DV 50s mentioned in this thread.
There is no mention of mods etc because the thread title is "esoteric x-03 vs ayre c5xe ". I think everyone is growing very weary of the plugs for other gear/mods . There are many threads to post your plug for mods.
I too want to read opinions of the esoteric vs Ayre as these are 2 machines I am interested in.If I was considering a modded machine I would go to the appropriate threads.