Ethernet Switch- what's the point?

I run an Ethernet cable between my router (standard issue from Verizon) and my streaming transport. I note that some use an ethernet switch between between the router and streamer. Assuming I got that right, what is the point- what does a good switch do? I've been into audio since the 70's but when its comes to streaming, I'm definitely a newbie- 

Thanks all!


I need a switch after my modem to serve several feeds (two audio systems, TV)

I replaced my Netgear switch with a Bonn 8 and heard some improvement.  I replaced this with a JCAT M12 Gold switch and easily heard a big improvement.  I then upgraded the power supply to the JCAT Optimo 3 and again easily heard an improvement.

How can an audiophile state they can never be convinced it makes a difference?  You don't need to understand it, just hear it.  I can.  

I just added a SW-10 switch, and I am using the fiber optic input too. The sound improvement was simply amazing.

Ethernet Switch- what’s the point?

the point is that it may improve your sound...

but everyone should try for themselves and see... no point arguing here or trusting/mistrusting what others say

i have been very happy with the sw8 as well as others before it... 


“Now "audiophile" ethernet switches are designed to improve delivery of error free bits to the streamer by use of improved power supplies, grounding, shielding, clocking, and other methods.”

Switches don’t improve the error free delivery, all packets are guaranteed to be error free or they will be retransmitted. How many times have you submitted a stock purchase and the broker bought you more shares than when you asked for (packet of data sent got corrupted and changed the 100 shares to 1000 shares)?

How about all the database data that is read from the server, does any of this data gets changed during transmission? Not a chance! If Ethernet packets were prone to errors, the financial and brokerage houses will be a disaster.

Another alternative to a switch is to have multiple routers setup in bridged mode in your house to use the ports on the back of the router to wire your dac, streamer, and server to

$1,349.00 for a LHY SW-10 is a hell of lot to spend on something that might not make much or any improvement. We'd probably all go broke it we adopted the recommendation to try for ourselves.