Ethernet Switch- what's the point?

I run an Ethernet cable between my router (standard issue from Verizon) and my streaming transport. I note that some use an ethernet switch between between the router and streamer. Assuming I got that right, what is the point- what does a good switch do? I've been into audio since the 70's but when its comes to streaming, I'm definitely a newbie- 

Thanks all!


What the archives are for. @nonoise warned you this thread would grow legs. 

@zavato You asked a good question and got good answers.  Unfortunately it is up to you to sort the good answers from the misinformation....which is the key to success on the internet.


It’s not just about the bits, it’s about the timing of the bits. Everything has a clock in it that supports perfect timing. Even if you have an expensive DAC, someone is going to offer a reclocker to more refine the signal speed. I believe all switches have clocks in them and some people can hear the difference and some people can’t.

My brother is perfectly happy listening to tunes from his phone.  Who am I to tell him he’s wrong and should get a better rig?

Some questions are better asked on other forums where the trolls are kept a bay or are afraid to weigh in for being made fools of. 

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