@ ptss, LOL! your speakers are very similar to mine!, yours cross over at 400hz, my speakers cross over at 900hz, there is a variation of the JBL L7 that is shaped exactly like your 250TI speakers!, my variation is the tower narrow width deep cabinets, your drivers even look alot like mine!Both your speakers and mine are 30hz to 27khz!,The still points ss ultra footers under mine, and the cables give me the sound you described earlier!, LOL!, my speaker cables list price 8ft pair $24,000.00 and the i/c list price for 1-meter that I have is $14,000.00,, of course I did not pay these prices!, however, I am shocked we have similar speakers!, the footers were $2,000.00 for 8 of them!,, I know all this makes me look like an idiot!, believe me when I say this!, The sound is way beyound what my speakers were designed to do!, I also have the omega jumpers on the speakers that are 10", the jumpers alone was a profound improvement for my speakers!, my speakers are 4 way bi-amp speakers!remember,I said, there is two different makes of cabinets of the JBL L7 speakers, one make is exactly like yours!, cheers!