Everest dd 66000 speakers

Some rave reviews and used availability has my interest.
Any classical, jazz guys with listening experience or comments from someone you know? Thanks
Hey Dave,

I have heard them in an immense ballroom and a smaller room. They went deeper in the smaller room, that's an advantage. They were more open with more even bass in the huge room.

To a degree they benefit from a large room. But, my point was that they work remarkably well in a small room....and the designer had that in mind since he knew his biggest market was Japan (small rooms).

They are surprisingly versatile, the 67000 even more so.
I love this Thread!, everyone is so educated on whats being talked about here!, I enjoy you guys, Dave_72, Kiddmann,,,, I was considering the 66000 because they are around $25,000.00 to $28,000.00 used!, thats a better price then the K2s new!, I am assuming that the 66000 are better than the K2s. cheers!
Audiolabrinth,6600 at $25,000 seems a great investment. A 'few' (we can talk) extra dollars on isolation,conditioning and room treatment will probably give you sound that exceeds whatever anyone with the 6700's is getting. Unless they put in the above effort as well-which I doubt for the most part. ATB. Pete
I agree with you ptss!, I have done that many times, making a great speaker out perform a much more exspensive pair of speakers, You would be supprised to know a whole lot of people do not know how to do this!, yes, If I get the 66000 speakers I would excell the performance of them as I do with most speakers that have a good balanced sound signature!, This is good that you know this!, alot of people laugh at the idea!, they do not believe it is possible!, cheers!
I don't want misinformation out there. To further clarify, 66000 are great and I would not try to dampen enthusiasm over them. However, having had 66000 and 67000 same place, same equipment, A then B, it is a fact 67000 is not one of those small refinement upgrades. Room treatment would not make this difference. Direct sound is direct sound no matter what treatment you do.

One thing to keep in mind is that the 66000 can be forward, and depending on the amp, can be VERY forward and prominent in the highs. Some solid state amps will drive you out of the room. I found tubes worked much better.

The 67000 are a lot more forgiving, and solid state amps work much better now. And tubes still work great.

So, if you go 66000 be prepared to possibly need to find the amp that pleases you. Luckily, a stiff 50 to 100 watt tube amp can do the trick. As for the highish looking efficiency, don't let that fool you, no 5w or 10w SET is going to get the woofers going to the depths of what the speaker is capable of.