Expanding questions about tubes in a preamp

Hello to all...

Started with a (helpful) discussion titled "How to select tubes for a line level preamp"... Expanding questions that have generated from that...

Have learned that hum/noise from tubes is a major consideration - now trying to figure cheap ways to address quieting the 12AX7s and the EF86s.

Would like to try "banding" the tubes with rubber ring washers - one?two?three per tube?

Where should the rings be on the tube: Top? Mid? Bot?

Can you over dampen a tube?

Knowledgeable tube users/ Masters input/suggestions please...

12AU7 mu 17 and requires a lot more input than 12AX7 mu 100.
Amplifier was designed for ????
Distortion in one case will be several multiples of the the other.
Perhaps the cymbal sparkle is odd harmonic?

Post removed 
I'm absolutely right, but I do get that the insecure among us do get testy when somebody pokes holes in their silly paranoia driven tweaks...don't be sad "auddie"...again, dump audibly microphonic tubes...you won't regret it.
Which post indicates insecurity? I have sold vacuum tubes on both a retail and wholesale basis for over 20 years so I think it fair to assume that I test more tubes in a day than you do in a year or perhaps over your entire life. Please tell me your vacuum tube qualifications other than using tube gear, albeit relatively pedestrian gear. You tend to believe that if you dont hear something that it doesnt exist.