Experience with Linn Select DSM?

Does anyone have direct experience with the Linn Select DSM system w/ Katalyst?  Please see: https://www.linn.co.uk/sources/network-music-players/selekt#selekt-dsm-with-katalyst

I have decent electronics already (NAD M12 Pre/DAC and M22 Amp) being sourced by a Node 2 server going into the DAC via SPDIF.  I’ve been auditioning other servers to upgrade the Node 2 and in the search process, came across this unit from Linn.  It is elegant and functionally very nice.  The appeal is that I could sell my other gear and have one box that does what I need.  But, I’d only be interested in doing this if it was better overall than what I have.  Unfortunately, I have no local dealers.  I’ve heard it in a nice shop in AZ, but that means nothing as it’s not a comparison to what I have.  Of course, the salesman thought it would be a step up from what I have.  Not surprisingly, I’m skeptical of that claim.  But, it is a cool piece.

So, anybody here with direct experience and insights to share?
My post above mistakenly stated that the single analogue input was phono. There is actually a phono input and an additional aux analogue input for things like a tuner. That analogue input will be converted to digital.

Just an FYI. I am posting this because my dealer did not know how to do this and I was stumped for over a year until someone on the Linn forum gave me a solution yesterday.

My situation is I have multiple analogue sources that require connection to a preamp. The Linn Selekt DSM only has 1 RCA analogue input. My post above should have looked at the solution to the problem in the opposite manner. That is add another preamp and use the output of that preamp into the single input of the Selekt DSM preamp.

The following passive preamp,


, can take 3 RCA analogue source inputs and it has 2 RCA outputs.

Output 1 is the primary output and its level is set by the volume control. Output 2 can be configured (by switches on the base) as either an additional primary output, or as a ’tape loop’, to bypass the volume control and loop out to another device


Now my preferred DSP preamp choice, the Linn Selekt DSM, can have all my analogue sources hooked up to it. My 3 choices for DSP capable preamps were the following:

- Anthem STR preamp (incredible features)
- Linn Selekt DSM (great DAC + non-mic based DSP)
- Lyngdorf 3400 (I do not like the amplification on this one)

I think the Linn and Lyngdorf likely have a better sounding DAC than the Anthem. I have not heard the Anthem but have heard the other 2. I am going on reviews of the Anthem DAC. The Selekt DSM also can be ordered without amplification, whereas, the Lyngdorf is must be ordered with the amplification module.

I also like the fact that the Linn Selekt DSM does NOT stream via RJ45 Ethernet. You connect via USB. Which I plan to do with the Sonare Signiture Rendu SE Optical. I think the lack of ROOD READY on the Selekt is a moot point since a Rendu will be used.
Does anybody find that the integrated amp on the Linn Selekt DSM is a tad bass light? I bought one and paired it with Harbeth Monitor 30's. The detail, soundstage and midrange is superb but it has little to no bottom end. Does anybody find that? 
Those are smaller range monitors. Known for accuracy and not for big rock and roll bass. 
Are they mounted on heavy stands? They might sound better quite some distance fron the wall. 
I would take care in finding the best sounding speaker position first. Start with them right against the wall and then move out to ten feet. Then one foot then nine, then two, then eight, etc. Keep repeating while playing  a minute of the same well recorded music. Once you find the best sounding position note that distance. Is that distance inconvenient? Odds are it will be. Move the speakers to a location you can live with but still has decent sound away from the wall. Note that distance. That is your preferred distance. 
You then measure all the dimensions of your room and utilize Lin’s wonderful Space Optimization software. This will take time. The more accurate you are the better. The system will use the optimal , and preferred distance and all your room info to create a filter for you. You should get better sound and you should be able to adjust the bass as well...
I've had them for 17 years. I'm a former BBC Sound engineer and we used Harbeth M20's 30's and 40's for monitoring and mixing, so I know they can produce the bass when required. These used to be partnered with a full Naim system and they sang beaitifully. But on moving house, a one box solution was what I wanted. The speakers are on heavy filled Skylan stands and they are away from the wall. I have not set up space optimisation yet but was hoping the system would have vaguely sounded in the ball park before tweaking began. I will give the space optimisation a go and see if that improves things. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Do you have the Selekt yourself?