Experience with North Creek Speakers

I was reading some old audiogon forums and found a speaker company named North Creek. Their speakers seems quite interesting. I was wondering about individuals experience with their floor standers. Thanks, Steve
If you've searched North Creek here, you've seen my posts. I think my Eskas (with Lee Taylor boxes) are very fine within their limitations of size and price, and I recommend them. I've auditioned quite a number of speakers in the past two years, most of them a lot more expensive, and my esteem for North has only grown. I bet the new Big Kats are lovely, but they will be hard to audition.

Do you have specific questions, eg, about comparisons or your living space?

John, I was interested in the Rhythm/Revelator Signature which is something I would like to hear/audition. Thanks, Steve
Very hard to imagine getting more for your money elsewhere. North Creek speakers are a labor of love and I would have two pairs except they ran out of the kits I wanted before I had the money saved.

George Short is excellent to deal with and will be glad to set up an audition for you if you can get to his showroom.
Hi Steve. I think the Rhythm is "free field," which means it wants a good bit of space, unlike NC's "near wall specific" designs like the Big Kat. As Tobias says, George is easy to deal with; give him a shout. I think he's located in upstate New York; he might have a customer close to you, as well. I'm guessing cabinet work by Lee Taylor (with custom veneer from Certainly Wood) would add 1000-1500 to the kit price; this would result in stunning visuals.

Just to thicken the mix, a couple of other people who do very musical speakers in the North Creek vein are Rick at Selah and Fritz at Fritz Speakers.

Keep us posted! John