Thanks for the fulsome and very informative/helpful info. Your experience with performance seems to mirror mine except that you have a ton more experience with them and the knowledge to go with it. The reason for my inquiry is that I have had a Skeletal since 1976 or before (colleage Max Gottschalk, designer in Tucson, got me into some interesting audio components, including a Saturn before I traded up to the Skeletal) and I am thinking of using it again in a display type setting. That Vestigal arm is tougher than it looks and sounds very good. I think the bearings are still fine, but that web or framework on which the table rests has sagged and I would like to find a replacement - or find a way to straighten and brace it - or duplicate it with other material. Do you know of such solutions. I also will try to get into contact with David Gammon's son as you suggest might be possible. You are a marvelous source - thanks - and likely that I will be back to you.
It indeed is very striking - viewers seem to go nuts about the styling - and I was able to overlook some of the mechanical issues in that it did sound very good at the time. I agree with you - if i did not own this one, would not now buy one for performance. Thanks for your reply.