Experienced audiophiles best speaker

We can get a better picture of which speaker is truly better if those contributing their favorites have heard a good number of the top speakers.
Include in your response the speakers that didn't take the gold.
My take, and I have to research this as I am now technically an audio commercial user, is that as long as someone has registered in this fashion the requirements of A'gon are satisfied. My personal feeling matches that of Audiofeil's.
ATC !!!
You really need some experience to get it perform. If you do not have the experience, be rest assured that you will learn a lot, and anyway get the "experienced" tag
music lover speakers = Harbeth, Spendors
audiophile speakers = wilson audio, magico, Dynaudio

Spendor, Yes but Harbeth ? Not at all. Harbeths are both extremely colored and analytical, thats a rare combination. It is colored on the thick/fat side to hide its analytical character which anyway comes through. Lot of people fall for the thick sound of Harbeth thinking thats "musical".

What do you mean by "analytical character"? Besides the Harbeths coloring the signal, how can they analyze it? Do you mean overly "revealing" or something else?

Regarding the subject of disclosure, I, too, agree with Audiofeil. I don't know who Sounds Real Audio is, but if he comments on a product he represents/sells, he should mention that. Quite simple and easy, with no negative consequences that I can think of.
Analytical is not always revealing, it is a sound which has such kind of distortions that it does not sound like music but just sound. Some may also call it "dry", which I did find in the Harbeths but along with the dryness it had a presentation which gave a feeling of "no music just sound".
I have heard the SHL5 driven by Rega Brio and Senders Pre-power.