Whether you filter the speakers low frequency with and internal or external crossover. It is more or less the same results assuming all things are done correctly. But for proper integration you either have to high pass the mains or low pass the subs under the main.
you can add a capacitor in line with the mains inputs. Harrison makes some cheap one you could try ($30, they sound transparent). I have used them and it works fine. It is more messing around than using an active crossover.
I have tried all the methods. Blending with no highpass with a low low pass, using capacitors to roll off the mains, an active digital solution and ended up using an active analogue solution. The integration can be fine without it but it is very doubtful it will be as good as an active system.
A couple worth trying IMO.
Sublime Acoustics K235 is a $1200 analogue solution. It has a 60 day trial period. They also have a $600 model that is about the same.
Minidsp SHD is another one that is super flexible digital option. It requires a bit of computer skills.