External DAC For Oppo 105 At What Cost?

Approximately how much would you have to spend on an external DAC to significantly better the sound of the internal Dac in the Oppo 105?
Any well thought out dac in the $2k range will beat a modded player
9 out of 10 times ,just like separates you can fit much more digital hardware under the hood and companies like eXasound have completely isolated
Seperate power supplies to give even more isolation,and you can buy
An outstanding aftermarket powersupply for $400 or under that really
Improve the unit even further in every respect.i have had at least 10 dacs in the last 10 years,finally with DSD you are able to honestly
Compete with the best of vinyl
Myself want the best bang for the buck am leaning towards the eXasound E20 with optional 82fs Femto second which is a 1,000 times more then a pico second and for roughly $100 ,where msb wants $1000s which is insane, this and a bigger power supply ,are a great combination,and the only dac to do 4x DSD to date.future proof .
I ended up with the New Luxman da-06 it was IMO the most natural
Sounding in my system far more$$ then I anticipated but is all setup for up to 2X DSD and the naturalness cannot be denied.
Audioman, no digital competes with the best of vinyl. The very limited nature of digital playback, and it's necessary conversion to analog, make it inferior in every way.
OP...Not trying to derail your thread but I had to comment on the last posters reply.

12-19-13: Macdadtexas

Is it safe to assume you have had a digital setup in your room of equal quality and value to your vinyl system to validate such a claim?

Theres nothing more anoying then when vinyl heads spew crap about the sound of digital because they, at one point, bought a half baked digital device/devices and were not happy with the sound and then stand on a chair to proclaim the superiority of vinyl because they failed in their own implementation of digital.

Not saying this is you because I know nothing about you but your tone lead me to wonder if you are one of "those people".

Now back to our regularly schedule program.