Faint speaker hiss

Was wondering if anyone here might be able to help me out. I recently acquired a new naim integrated (XS2) to pair with my Harbeth p3esr. I am using straightwire speaker cables which I've had for years. I noticed when I plugged everything in that the speakers have the ever so slightest hiss coming from them. I cannot hear it unless I get extremely close to to tweeter and te sound becomes non-existent once music starts playing. I have had the amp for about a week now and have kept it on 24/7. Does anyone know where the small hiss could be coming from? I tried different speaker cables/power cord and that didn't change anything. I also tried unplugging all my sources and left just the amp and speakers plugged in ad still had the faint hiss. Like I said, it's not audible unless I really get my ear close to the tweeter (about 3 inches). I might be nit picking but was wondering if anyone has had experience like this before? Should I try a different outlet? I am in an apartment so only have one or two places to put everything. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You shouldn't worry about it given your current speakers but keep this in mind if/when you decide to upgrade or switch to more efficient speakers, e.g., > 92 dB/w/m, etc., since the hissing sound could become more audible. Ideally, the tweeters should be dead quiet if your amplifier/preamplifier - in case of separates, have a properly matched gains but there's nothing you can do with an integrated unit. One could argue this is an indication of a suboptimal design by the manufacturer.
No this is not normal anymore.
This statement is incorrect. With nearly any integrated amplifier a hiss will be heard on that speaker. But it is of no consequence as others have pointed out; I've yet to meet any audiophile that listened to their speakers from only a couple of inches.
This.  All brands and models of amplifiers vary, as will individual examples of each.  Above all, don't go crazy throwing $$$ at this problem because you'll never eliminate it.  The most quiet integrated I've ever heard is the Ayre AX-7, probably because of built-in filtering and the unusual design/configuration of its transformer.
They almost all do. I never had a speaker/system that was completely silent. But Can't hear a thing if my ear is few inches away.