I have noticed, reading the threads, that a lot of people are familiar with who designs what equipment. This is an area I am lost in and I am curious in your opinions. Who is your favorite designer? What did they design and most importantly why do you like that paticular designer?
jeff rowland: not only are his circuits works of art, so are the boxes that housem.' aj conti: his basis turntables are beautiful and constructed with very great care and very tight tolerances.
Today: Bruce Rozenblit at Transcendent (OTL Amp) and Ric Schultz at EVS (Mods and DACs) - two very approachable renegades. Although both design some terrific sounding gear, they have completely opposing philosophies on the value of tweaks and exotic audiophile materials - one a strict "topologist", the other a super tweaker. The Past: long before the company he started went full bore mid-fi, I was a big fan of Paul Klipsch and his very early designs.
In my opinion Joe D'Appolito has much more in common with Brulee than does Trelja. To quote a famous British phrase, "Do good by stealth, and blush when the fact be known." Perfect description of both Joe D and Brulee to me.
Junji Kimura(47Labs), Denis Morecroft(DNM) and Touraj Mogghadam(Roksan) All 3 approach their art with fresh ideas, unique approaches and focused vision.Where most other designers flog away at refined rehashing of traditional ideas, these designers work from a clean page, understanding the fundamentals required to do the job and execute them with conceptual brilliance and technological elegance.
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