+1 Sdcampbell on the Statement 1. I never would have imagined how beautiful this cartridge sounds. I got mine 2 years ago as a throw-in on a Scoutmaster I bought here on Agon. It was attached to the arm and the seller did not want to take it off to tell me what model it was, so he guessed it must be one of the cheaper woodies. It is just so much nicer than all the big Benzes and other MCs I have been playing for 30 years.
Mr Campbell, I noticed in your system that you have yours feeding a JC3+. Are you using the MM or the MC side for it? I had no choice as My Thor only supports MC @47k. It has never made me want more controls to change, but I am curious how other Grado Statement 1 lovers set thiers up.
Mr Campbell, I noticed in your system that you have yours feeding a JC3+. Are you using the MM or the MC side for it? I had no choice as My Thor only supports MC @47k. It has never made me want more controls to change, but I am curious how other Grado Statement 1 lovers set thiers up.