Fidelity Research FR-1 MK3F

I have an F-1 MK3F cartridge with a missing stylus (the stalk appears to be unaffected).
Some years ago,(when the same thing occured), I had it replaced with a Weinz eliptical diamond by the Garrott brothers in Australia and that was a total success. Again however, the party crowd have got to my player and I am left in despair.
Can anyone suggest where I may be able to send the cartridge to have the stylus replaced? I am in Adelaide, South Australia.
I own a number of Garrott items. A tragedy to lose those two.

As you probably know, the "name" is back in action and there is a range of mm cartridges that have a pretty good reputation. I think they are assembled in Melbourne. Maybe contactable through Tivoli HiFi? I'm only going from a vague memory on this as I'm actually in the USA now, but some Aussie members could help you better. But try chasing this lead down. I'm sure you can get this fixed in Oz.

I gather that Garrott Bros aren't interested in retipping unlike the orginal brothers. I was thinking of getting my Garrott Bros decca retipped, but the UK distributor for New Garrott said that the new company weren't interested any more in rebuilds - not as much profit as selling a new cart!
Great cartridge. I loved mine so much that I had it redone by Mr. Van Den Hul who works through Stanalog to rebuild cartridges. Go to and they can keep that FR singing.

Regards, Steelhead