FInally I have a noise issue

Got a 5M 1/8” (3mm) headphone jack to RCA lead.

When the sound is not playing on the iPad it has low buzz coming out of the speakers.
And I’ve almost convinced myself it is picking up RF.

Other PreAmp inputs are mouse quiet.


Should I wind a copper wire around the thing and attach it to the preamp ground as a test?
Or I suppose a properly shielded cable is what is used??



Thank you.  I am interested in the measurements you are proposing to make of your TT using the ADC.  My arm is parallel tracking so it is much easier than a pivoted arm to set up completely accurately by eye without recourse to measurement by instruments.

just pointing out that al the discussion of new fanged digital misses the point.  The TRS to RCA cable and the connection is analog.  The noise is ground noise.  No digital involved.

Funny, don't experience any noise with the 'droid phones I've owned....

Just dumb lucky, I guess...😏

Maybe it is the source?

It was the USB connecting the DAC to the computer that was the source of the hash/noise.
And it appeared on all sources as a ground loop type of input..