Finding a matching center channel

Hi guys! I'm building a home theater and bought a pair of Focal Cobalt 816S speakers to be my front left and right. I'm having a lot of trouble finding a matching center channel (The cobalt CC800s), which is understandable given the age of these speakers.

I understand that the Cobalt line has been replaced with the Chorus line. Would a CC700V or CC900 sound comparable? I just don't want my front stage to sound worse because of a non-matching center. the speakers are far enough apart that the 'phantom center' has left me wanting...

Thanks for any advice!
noted. My system is lacking a subwoofer and surrounds (all I have right now are fronts and in-ceilings), so i've got to prioritize and save my pennies anyway. I can wait a few months...

Also, what is the difference between the CC800 and the CC800 S?
Haha i saw it too, and bought it!

One thing to ask: that speaker is a different color then my fronts. I kind of want to paint them to be the same color as the walls in my theater (a dark orange-brown color). Is there any reason i shouldn’t do that?

edit: i just mean the sides of the case. My fronts are black, this new one is a reddish. see the link below for a reference.