First Turntable Advice

Looking to dip my toes in with vinyl. Would prefer something easy to set-up/use, that gets me a good introduction to vinyl. At this point I have considered the Rega RP6, Clearaudio Concept, and VPI Scout 1.1. Any thoughts on these tables or any others I should be considering? I don't think I'll be able to audition them locally, so any input is appreciated.
My system is McIntosh C2300/MC352, B&W804D's, Luxman DA-06, MacBook Pro.
Think outside the box. Go to the website 'U-Turn Audio', find out what the high end does not want you to know. Great sound, great value. Harry, end your heart out.
Check out my system. We are on pretty much the same page, gear wise. My VPI Aries has matched up well with the rest. Shoot a little higher than the VPI Scout, if you can. The VPI SDS is also essential, so budget for that too, because you will want it eventually. Cheers!
All 3 will give you a great intro to vinyl. Of the 3, I love the simplicity of the RP6 w/Exact cart. No hassle, just plug and play with unprecedented PRaT. The Concept is a great TT by all means but with no upgradeable path. The Scout has the best upgradeable path of the 3 although I would save a little and go with the new Prime.

All that said, check out the Acoustic Signature Wow XL turntable. Best bang for the buck IMHO.

Happy search.
Aubadge, either you are a Vpi man or a Rega man. They are very different sounding decks and no matter what upgrade path vpi offers it will never sound like a Rega so upgrade path is a secondary consideration IMO. First you need to figure out which camp you belong to. Vpi is like a comfortable Sedan, Rega is like a more sporty exciting car. If you are looking for a fast, exciting, foot tapping sound, go Rega. If you are looking for a big sound, with big deep bass, big soundstage, smooth presentation, go Vpi. One would sound more realistic other will sound more comfortable. Take your pick.