Fixing a Broken NAD C320BEE

I have the opportunity to buy a used NAD C320BEE that's cosmetically perfect but has "blown a few capacitors" according to the current owner. Does anybody have any opinions regarding whether fixing it is even worthwhile? I called a few local repair shops and they charge $75-100 just to look at it.

I was originally looking to buy a NAD C355BEE new, but wold greatly prefer paying less than the $800 it costs to get one new, if the sound/features are comparable.

In terms of what I'm looking for in a system, I'm trying to put together an entry-level system for listening to music – both CDs and a lot of radio – and occasionally watching movies. I'm open to any recommendations everyone might have. I'm trying to keep the budget around $1000. I'd prefer Stereo to 5.1 and my ideal Amp or receiver would have a Phono input. I'm in an apartment that doesn't need more than 50W/channel.

i'm with philojet on this one---you're buying a pig in a poke; you don't really know what's wrong with it. the only thing you're certain of is you'll need to spend a hundred bucks (on top of the $75 for the broken unit) to find out if it's even worth fixing. now, if it was a krell or a meridian, i'd take a flyer, but nads are journeyman units and often unreliable ones, so what's your real upside? if you can't find a working nad at your price, i often see rega, cambridge audio and arcam integrateds listed in the $200-300 range; i think you'll be happier looking at something like those.
I have been in audio close to 5 decades and the number of GOOD repair persons I have known could be counted on one hand.
I think I would pass on it too.I would choose something that is working.It may be an ok buy for a tech.Labor could get high.Are there other caps that might go a few months later leaving you having to start over again.There is one for sale in New York with the same problem.
There's an NAD c720bee for $350 that just posted...start w/ this and add on from there!

(not related in any way to transaction)

Good luck!
My basic question to the seller would be: why should I pay you money, just to inherit one of your problems?

People should not be selling broken goods. They should get them repaired before passing them on to a complete stranger.