Fixing a Broken NAD C320BEE

I have the opportunity to buy a used NAD C320BEE that's cosmetically perfect but has "blown a few capacitors" according to the current owner. Does anybody have any opinions regarding whether fixing it is even worthwhile? I called a few local repair shops and they charge $75-100 just to look at it.

I was originally looking to buy a NAD C355BEE new, but wold greatly prefer paying less than the $800 it costs to get one new, if the sound/features are comparable.

In terms of what I'm looking for in a system, I'm trying to put together an entry-level system for listening to music – both CDs and a lot of radio – and occasionally watching movies. I'm open to any recommendations everyone might have. I'm trying to keep the budget around $1000. I'd prefer Stereo to 5.1 and my ideal Amp or receiver would have a Phono input. I'm in an apartment that doesn't need more than 50W/channel.

There's an NAD c720bee for $350 that just posted...start w/ this and add on from there!

(not related in any way to transaction)

Good luck!
My basic question to the seller would be: why should I pay you money, just to inherit one of your problems?

People should not be selling broken goods. They should get them repaired before passing them on to a complete stranger.
Agreed with all the Gs here. Stay away from those Ebay pickers. These are people who would do anything to try and sell you junks that they dig up from someone else's dumpster.

You could get a used NAD C315BEE which is almost the same as the C320BEE for less than $200. Why waste $$$ for something that does not work? Don't listen to me. Go listen to a C315BEE at a local audio salon. The new C315BEE is that scarily good.
In my experience, a "few blown capacitors" will be just the tip of the iceberg. Electrolytic capacitors blow for only a few reasons:

1. Installed backwards
2. Incorrect voltage rating for the circuit
3. Extreme age (10-20 years), they dry out then next time voltage applied; they bite the biggun.
4. They are taken out by a "fire" elsewhere in the circuit.

Doubt it's 1 or 2 (since Lenbrook took over NAD, quality has improved across the board) with the recent build of that amp, no way it's #3.

IF this "project" (how you must approach it; a learning experience) is selling for more than $40, walk away, if it is really smoked inside, it may get repaired, but future reliability is questionable.
Thanks for all the suggestions! In the end I bought that C720BEE that Soulbrass suggested. Thanks for all the help!